Friday, July 10, 2015

Meycauayan-Marilao-Valenzuela Flood Footprint

Ok. I'm back! after working in another country for 4 years, I'm gonna make this blog active.
And yes, back with a vengeance! I literally grew up playing in flooded streets.
I left the country after Ondoy... and now, this. flood... but worse than before. Since my profession is somewhat aligned with planning, i should at least be able to help my neighbor and kababayan about this problem. Or to identify the problem... since flooding is not a problem, it's the effect/consequence of not fixing the problem. To start of, I need to carefully map the whole Meycauayan and it's neighbors (Marliao, Obando & Valenzuela) on their flooded streets. Thankfully, I've found this interesting website called

Below is my initial sketch on the flooded area in my vicinity and those neighboring areas i know are flooded. hope you can help me guys to try to put a polygon on areas which are flooded.

This is just the 1st Phase of work. I saw a floodmap of Meycauayan and seems pretty Ok. nonetheless, i need confirmation on these areas. (
(since the meycauayan-marilao McArthur hi-way has a new elevation... i believe some areas are now flooded which are not covered in this map... and other problems like blockage of natural drainage, garbage pileup, etc.)

2nd phase is to identify the depth of floodwater in those areas.  
3rd phase is to know the direction of water i.e. if it's stagnant or not, or if its moving, where it's heading to.  
4th phase is to compile ideas on redirecting flood water
5th phase is to create guidelines on house construction/subdivision construction on flooded area

This might take even my whole lifetime. But i don't care. As long as i keep my mind busy, and loving the work... bring it on.  

Why I'm doing this?

1. I had enough of the floods in Meycauayan.
2. I have some free time.
3. I like cycling. And i can't ride my bike on flooded areas which covers big potholes.
4. for 30 years, (yep, i'm that young.) it seems our Local Government are not doing their part or rather had their hands tied up with garbage problems & uhmmm... i don't know... It seems that they are only interested on creating higher roads which i think a stupid solution for flooding.

Please help me to identify flooded roads in Meycauayan. I'll try to roam around during rainy days to try to find out flooded areas. (IF Wife permits... or didn't notice i'm not home.)